Sunday, August 2, 2009

increase of insulin receptor populatron However, stimulation of the P cell* n their fundamental mode of action It should be clear that insulin is effe

VlI )Besides, diabetics are also prone to numerous complications, notice amongst them being neuropathy. Kimmelsteii Wilson syndrome and prone ness to various types bacterial infections including acute bacienat infections as well as tuberculosis Myocardisl infarctions in a diabetic (to add to the trouble) is often silent, i e . no (or little) pain is felt during ihe heart attack This is probably due to the fact that prolonged diabetes often leads to, neuropathy of the autonomic nerve destruction of pain carrying (sympathehcj fibers from the heart hence no cardiac pain. Physiological basis of drug Therapy Drug of choice is insulin However insulin cannot be given orally fas in that case insulin is digested as food protein], and subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of insulin has to be given daily, ofler twice a day This is, unfortunately, a practical drawback Orally effective antidiabelrc drugs are also available Most of them belong to the group of drug known as Sulphanylureas (example chlorpropamide) SulphonyTureas increase the secretion of insulin by the B cells In addition, they have some extrapancreatic (e.g reduction of gluconeogenesis by the liver) actions. Some types of sulphonylureas cause increase of insulin receptor populatron However, stimulation of the P cell* n their fundamental mode of action It should be clear that insulin is effective in both IDDM as well as in NID DM, but oral anlidiabelic agents are of no use in IDDM Hypoglycemia is also dangerous it may be produced by inadvertent excessive dose of insulin To combat hypogtycemia, the body releases adrenalin (which increases the blood sugar) Severe hypogtycemia can cause convulsion and coma. GUJCAGQN Giucagon is produced by the a cells of the islets of Langer ans Chemistry tt is a palypeptide chain, containing 29 ammo acids, with a molecu at weight of 2495 Biosynthesis The mature hormone

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