Sunday, August 2, 2009

solution to each of the test-tubes marked 1 to 6 respectively and record the time of addition Mix thoroughly and replace the tubes

solution pH6.0 or acetate buffer pH 5.0. as appropriate, to produce 1000 Ornl Dilute 10.0 ml to 1000.0 ml with buffer solution pH 6 0- or acetate buffer pH 5 0. as appropriate, to give the test solution, filter if necessary (1 ml of the test solution should be capable of digesting about 10 mg of dry soluble maize or corn starch) Into each of six stoppered test-tubes add 5.0 ml of starch substrate without touching the sides of the test-tube Place the test-tubes in a water-bath maintained at 40* ±0 1 * When the temperature of the solution in the tubes has reached 40*, add 0.35ml,0.4 ml. 0. 45 ml. 0.5 ml, 0.55 ml and 0. 6 ml of the test solution to each of the test-tubes marked 1 to 6 respectively and record the time of addition Mix thoroughly and replace the tubes in the water-bath After exactly 60 minutes remove the tubes and cool rapidly in cold water Add to each tube 0 .05 ml of 0.02M iodine and mix well Note the tube containing the lowest volume of test solution which does not show a bluish or violet tinge (if there is doubt, warm the solution slightly, when the colour distinction is prominent) From thisvolume catulate the number of grams of dry soluble maize or com starch digested by 1. 0 g of the substance being examined This represents the number of Units of amylase activity per g ANALG1N Metamrzol Analgin is sodium [N-(2,3-dihydro-l,5-dimethy1-3-oxo-2pheriyl-l-H-pyrazol-4-yl)-N-metriylamino]methanesu[phonate monohydrate Category Analgesic.Dose: 500 mg to 3 g daify, m divided doses Descnption White or almost white, crystalline powder with a scarcely perceptible yellowish tinge Solubility Freely soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol (95%). practically insoluble in chloroform and in ether Storage Store in tightty-closed containers. STANDARDS Analgin contains not less than 990 per cent and not more than 100 5 per cent of CiaH^NaNaO4S. calculated with reference to the dried substance Identification A: Wet about 0 1 gwith two drops of water, add 5 ml of ethanol (95%) and 0 5 ml of dilute

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