Friday, July 3, 2009

multiply this content by a factor of 1.544 and deduct Ibe figure from the apparent content of benzathine penicillin,

content of Benzathine Penicillin. Calculate the content of procaine penicfllin. as determined by the method given below in the weight of the sample used in this assay, multiply this content by a factor of 1.544 and deduct Ibe figure from the apparent content of benzathine penicillin, the result is the content of benzathine penicillin. (Each mg of benzathine penicillin is approximately equivalent to 1330 Units of penicillin). For procame pemcillin-To a quantity of the mixed contents of 10 containers equivalent to 0 .25 g of Procaine Penicillin add 100 ml of water, shake well, dilute to 200. 0 ml with water, mix and filter. Dilute 5. 0 ml of the fiitrale to 250. 0 ml with buffer solution pH 7. 0 and measure the absorb once of the resuming solution at the maximum at about 290 nm. using buffet, solution pH7. 0 as the blank. Appendix 5.5 Calculate the content of procaine penicillin taking 310 as the. value of A(1 %, 1 cm) at the maximum at about 290 nm (Each mg of procaine penicillin is equivalent to 1009 Units of penicillin). For benzylpeniciilm sodium - Shake a quantity of the mixed contents of 10 containers equivalent to 0 15 g of Benzylpenicillm Sodium with water until dissolved and dilute lo 500. 0 ml with water Dilute 25. 0 ml of the resulting solution to 100. 0 ml with phosphate buffer pH 6.8. Place two quantities, each of 2.0 ml. of the resulting solution in separate stoppered lubes. To one tube add 10.0 ml of imidazole-mercury reagent, mix, stopper the tube and immerse in a water-bath at 60° for 35 minutes, swirling occasionally. Remove from the waler-bath and cool rapidly to 20° (solution A) Add 10. 0 ml of imidazole solution to the second tube. mixh stopper the tube and allow to stand at 20° for 35 mrnutes. swirling occasionally (solution B). Without delay measure the absorb ance of solutions A and B at about 325 nm, Appendix 5.5, using as Ihe blank a mixture of 2.0 ml of water and 10. 0 ml of imidazole-mercury reagent for solution A and a mixture of 2.0 ml of water and 10.0 ml of imidazole solution for solution 6 Calculate the content of total penicillins as C16 H17 N2 Na S from the difference between the absorbances of solutions A and B. from the difference obtained by repeating Ihe procedure using 0.15 gof benzylpenicillin sodium RS in place of the contents of the sealed contarners and from the declared content of C16 Hn@NaO4S in benzylpenicillin sodium RS Calculate the content of benzylpenicillin sodium by subtracting the contents of benzathine penicillin and procaine penicillin, both expressed as benzy1penicillm sodium, C8Hl7N2N3NaO4S BENZATHINE PENICILLIN TABLETS Benzathme Benzylpenicillin Tablets, Benzalhine Penicillin G TabletsUsual strength 200,000 Units of penicillin. Storage: Store in well-closed containers in a cool, dry place STANDARDSBenzathine Penicillin Tablets contain Benzathine Penicillin equivalent to not less than 90.0 per cent and not more than 110.0 per cent of the stated number of Units of penicillin. Identification The powdered tablets comply with tests B and C described under Benzalhine Penicillin Water Not more than 60% w/w, determined on the powdered tablets. Appendix 3.24 Other requirements: Comply with the requirements of tests stated under Tablets.Assay Weigh and powder 20 tablets Weigh accurately a quantity of the powder equivalent to about 750.000 Units of penicillin and carry out the Assay for penicillins described under Benzathme Penicillin. Each mg of benzathine penicillin. C16 H18 N2 (C16 H18 N2O4 S)2, is equivalent to 1330 Units of penicillin. BENZHEXOL HYDROCHLORIDE Tnhexyphenidyl HydrochlondeBenzhexol Hydrochloride is (RS)- 1-cyclohexyl-t-phenylS-piperidinopropan-l-ol hydrochlonde Category Antiparkmsotrian.Dose: 1 mg. gradually increased to a usual maintenance dose of 5 to 15 mg daily in 3 to A divided doses.Description White or creamy-white, crystalline powder, odourless or almost odourless Solubility Soluble in ethanol (95%), m methanol and in chloroform, slightly soluble in waterSTANDARDSBenzhexol Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.0 per cent and not more than 101.0 per cent of C20H31NO.HCI, calculated with reference to the dried substance Identification A The infra-red absorption spectrum, Appendix 5.4H is concordant with the reference spectrum of benzhertul hydrochlonde or with the spectrum obtained from benzhexol hydrochlonde RS. B. Dissolve 0.5 g in 5 ml of warm methanol and make just alkaline to litmus paper with 5M sodium hydroxide, a precipitate is produced, which, after recrystallisalion from methanol melts at about 114°. Appendix 8.8 C; Gives the reactions of chlorides. Appendix 3. 1 pH Belween 5 .2 and 5,2. determined in a solution prepared by dissolving 1 g in 50 ml of carbon dioxide free water with the aid of heat, cooling and diluting to 100 ml with Ihe same solvent. Appendix 8.11 .Pipendyfpropiophencne: Dissolve 0.1 g in a mixture of 40 ml of water and 1 ml of 1 M hydrochlonc acid with the aid of heat, cool and add sufficient water to produce 100 ml .The absorbance of Ihe resulting solution at about 247 nm is not more than 0.5, Appendix'5.5 Sulphated ash ;Not more than 0.1 %. Appendix 3.22. Loss on drying. Nol more than 0.5%, determined on 1 g by drying m an oven at 105"h Appendix 8.6. Assay. Weigh accurately aboul 0.7 g and carry out Method B for non-aqueous titration, Appendix 3.45, using 1-naphtholbenzem solution as indicator Perform a blank determination and make any necessary correction. Each ml of 0.1 ml perchloric acid is equivalent to

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