Since getting a new job, I was quite excited to buy my first very own laptop. I bought this laptop on January 22, 2009. I bought it from buy.com, and the laptop arrived right on the date the website provided. The color I bought was pink, and upon opening it looked like a very pretty color. It was such a small laptop! I was not surprised it was so small because I knew all about the laptop already. It was very cute! I could see the part of the laptop where the little webcam lense was poking out of the top of the screen. I was so excited to turn it on and have a little laptop all on my own! I planned this laptop to be both my computer system for home and school. (I plan on starting school in August). I had a laptop to use during my high school years, but it was so big and heavy, I decided to go with something much smaller.
So here is this cute laptop, sitting in front of me. It came with a 6 cell battery (the 3 cell battery that it comes with only lasts up to 3 hours). So I bought the 6 cell battery that lasts around 6 hours. It also came with an AC adapter, and a thin little laptop cover. I turned on the laptop. It was such a huge disappointment! I heard the laptop turn on, and the power light was on, but the screen was black! I was so sad, but I charged the laptop anyway just to make sure the battery was charged- it was, but still no screen! I decided to contact Acer technical support. First I called them and they said to send the laptop in for repair. Before I shipped it, I also contacted Acer technical support online, too. They told me to take out the battery and press the power button for thirty seconds, then plug the laptop back in to the outlet, and then once it turns on put the battery back in. To my surprised, the laptop's screen actually turned on! Too bad it did not last for long, because a few minutes after it turned on, the screen froze. I turned the laptop off and tried to start it again, but it did not work! I always had to wait a few hours between each time I turn the laptop on.
So I decided to send the laptop back in for repair instead of turning it in for a refund because I could not even get in contact with buy.com since I could not find the order number. I shipped the laptop to the repair center, and about a week after, I recieved it again. It came with a slip that said "We updated the bios. Tested ok." I was so excited to finally have a working laptop! I guess I am some crazy lunatic person because I expected the laptop to work after being sent to the repair center- but it didn't! In fact, I tried doing the power reboot thing and the screen did not even turn on! It came back in a worse condition then I originally got it!I was very mad, and the laptop was stressing me out. I mean $400 for a useless piece of metal, and I had my mom giving me lectures about how I made a mistake. I learned my lesson! But still I had to deal with a yelling mother and short $400 from my bank account. I contacted Acer again on the internet and they told me to call a number. I did not call the number because I did not want to deal with this crap again. I filed a complaint with the BBB, and my mom is getting her money back from the credit card company. I refuse to pay another $15 to ship out a laptop for a second time when it should have been working in the first place!
A few days ago, Acer called me in response to my BBB complaint, and they said that they will pay for the shipping to get it repaired. I just basically let him say what he had to say, and then I hung up. I did not tell my mom about the call so she cancelled the transaction on the credit card. I did not even bother calling Acer back, because their customer service sucked! When I got my laptop from the repair center, the address and name on the box was wrong! I am surprised it even got to me!So now everything is settled, I am just waiting for my $400. Please do not ever buy electronics online, I learned my lesson and I do not want anyone to go through what I have!
Because of my anger toward Acer, I also would like to recommend you try to stay away from this brand as much as possible because the customer service sucks, and apparently the products do too!Oh and one last comment- people may think I am being too harsh and talk about how everyone makes mistakes. Yes, everyone makes mistakes, but I gave them a chance to fix it, and they didn't!
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